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    Ingrid Brouwer

    Thank you for this nice video about the Peregrine Falcons. This is the first (and only) live webcam in Russia [that we know of] and is a great addition to our long list of Peregrine Falcon nests from all over the world. «We» are a group of enthusiasts who have been watching these birds on line for over 15 years. We also maintain a nesting calendar for these nests, since 2011. Published on a Google site https://sites.google.com/site/nestkalenders/home/slechtvalken
    I maintain this calendar in Dutch but it should be easy to «read».
    If possible, could you provide us with gender and band numbers of the chicks? That will be greatly appreciated.

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      We are really sorry to be late with the reply. Here’s the information if you still need it:
      Sibir — D057 — Female
      Uraloscka — D058 — Female

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